
Archive for February, 2021


Written by Bruce Epperly

For a while, us Baby Boomers lived in the garden, never expecting to grow old. We hoped that the “better living through chemistry” that inspired our spiritual adventures in the 60s and 70s would continue on into our 60s and 70s and bring us similar medications to prolong the fountain of youth.

But alas, Baby Boomers, too, are discovering their mortality.

A Jewish saying counsels that each person should have a note in each pocket.

In one pocket, the note should announce “For you the universe was created.”

In the other, “You are dust.”

These days I am daily aware of the dustiness of life in my own body and in the lives of dear friends.

Over the past year, several of my friends have been diagnosed with life-threatening cancers.

One of my closest friends, with whom I have journeyed and grown for over forty years, recently died brain cancer.

Funerals and memorial services characterize my work at South Congregational Church (UCC) in Centerville, Massachusetts, on Cape Cod.

As a pastor, relative, and friend, I don’t need anyone to remind me of the fragility and uncertainty of life.

Traditional Ash Wednesday liturgies focus on the brevity of life and remind worshippers that they came from dust and will soon enough return back to the earth, dust once more.

Yes, life is serious and risky business, and no one gets out alive.

Life is fragile, and we hope for spiritual wholeness — perhaps everlasting life evolving in companionship with God and our loved ones.

For years, I struggled with Ash Wednesday Services precisely because of their otherworldliness and asceticism.

My self-denial in Lent was typically half-hearted and short-lived.

A number of years ago, I asked a Maryland farmer why he pruned his apple trees.

His response was, “to let the light in.”

During Lent, we prune and simplify our lives so God’s light can come in.

These days, I am reconsidering the meaning of Ash Wednesday.

The brevity and uncertainty of life now invites me to praise, wonder, and beauty — and to seize the moment, for this is the day God has made and I will rejoice in it!

All that I love and care for is mortal and transitory, but mortality is the inspiration to celebration and love.

We are constantly dying, but we are also constantly living as we reflect God’s vision in the world of the flesh.

This day, this moment, is a “thin place,” for God is with us, revealed in flesh, blood, and healing touch.

Wednesday, at our congregation’s two Ash Wednesday Services, I will place ashes on congregants, but not the ashes of world-denial or bodily-mortification, but the ashes of transformation, of awakening to beauty and love, of seizing the moment.


It’s time to get Team Grace back together for this year’s incarnation of the Coldest Night of the Year Walk!

Since 2011, the Coldest Night of the Year has raised over $33,500,000 in 149 communities across Canada in support of charities reaching out to the most vulnerable.

In light of covid restrictions, this year’s event will be “virtual”, in that teams are invited to organize and take part in their own small, socially distanced 2 or 5 km walks during the month of February.

Our Grace event will take place on Saturday, February 27 at 3:00 pm, out at the Rev’s place, with a scenic country walk on the road or lake, followed by hot chocolate in the yard 😊

Please RSVP right away if you would like to participate in the walk.

Scroll down the Grace United Strong Facebook Group page for details about how to donate!


Faye’s weekly Zoom hymn sing continues TOMORROW night at 7:00 pm 😊

Look for the link to be posted on Grace United Strong Facebook Group page!


An invitation to one and all, to embark together on the holy season of Lent with a contemplative, interactive Zoom worship event TONIGHT at 7:30pm

To participate, you will need to bring along the following:

*Some ashes

*A print out of the finger labyrinth (see separate attachment with this email) OR one you draw yourself

*some paper and crayons/markers/pencil

*a large bowl and a pitcher of water

Looking forward to sharing with you in this interactive worship experience!


This coming Sunday, we will celebrate the first Sunday of Lent.

As I mentioned in worship this past Sunday, part of our worship liturgy throughout these seven weeks will involve building a Lenten Worship Center— each in our own spaces– by adding seasonal symbols each week.

In order to take part in this spiritual exercise, you will need to designate a small table as your “sacred space” and bring along the “symbol of the week” to Zoom worship each Sunday.

This week’s symbol is BREAD.


Come sing with us!!

Join the Manitou Intentional Learning Community THIS Friday, February 19th at 7:00 via Zoom where we will be “Singing for our Lives.”

We are excited to invite you to this engaging and reflective affirmation of welcome, justice and hope.

Presented by Wendy and Andrew Donaldson, church musicians with vast Canadian and international experience, this event is a mix of music and spoken word featuring on-line performance, video and audience participation and drawing on multi-faith and multi-cultural wit and wisdom.

Watch, listen and sing along as through words and music, we explore themes of truth, reconciliation, stewardship of the land, turning stranger into “neighbour”, and ways in which our hopes are threatened by power, the lure of profit, lies, and fear.

Please register online at http://www.manitoulearningcommunity.com/

Click Register under event details.

For further information, please contact manitouintentionallearning@gmail.com


This year’s World Day of Prayer service, brought to us by the women of Vanuatu, will be held on Friday March 5 at 7:00 pm via Zoom.

If you would like to log on, please email Phyllis at graceunited20@hotmail.com and the link will be sent to you.

Friends, let’s gather and pray together with our brothers and sisters around the world!


Our Muffin Ministry continues!

Muffins may be dropped off at St. Peter’s on the tables outside on Wednesdays from 11:00 to 3:00.

Many thanks to all our hardworking bakers for making this vital outreach possible!

For more details please contact our Muffin Lady, Tracy Joy by phone or email:

705-665-5950 OR tracylynnjoy@hotmail.com


A new year is a great time to renew our commitment to supporting the life and work of the church!

The e-transfer method of sending in your offerings has been popular and is quite easy to do. 

In your online banking site, just send an e-transfer to  laubertin@kpmg.ca 

In the notes/message, you can indicate where you’d like the money to be applied: general, M&S, rebuilding etc.

Donations may also be made through our Canada Helps page. 

This works well although there is a small service charge on the donations.

Go to http://www.Canadahelps.org

Under Donate – Find A Charity – Search “Grace United Church Sudbury”

Many thanks for your on-going generosity!


The Fundscrip program operates all year!

It’s a great place to get gift cards for birthdays and other holidays.

It’s also a great place to get gift cards to use for your day-to-day living (groceries, gas etc).

The promotions for FEBRUARY are:

American Eagle 7% (Vs the usual 6%)

Boston Pizza 7% (vs the usual 5%)

Aerie 7% (vs the usual 6%)

Chapters/Indigo/Coles 7% (vs the usual 5%)


Abundant thanks to everyone who contributed so generously to our collection of personal care products for the Sudbury Women’s Centre.

Our gifts were gratefully and joyfully received!

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