
Archive for November, 2020

Rebuilding of our church is underway!

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November 20 is the International Transgender Day of Remembrance.

In honour of our trans sisters and brothers, both in our community and around the world, I offer you this reflection by Rev. Paul Langston-Daley, Consulting Minister at Prescott Unitarian Church in Prescott, Arizona.

Living authentically takes courage, strength, and above all, faith.

On or around November 20th, in many communities around the globe, people will honor and remember those whose lives were taken for no other reason than they lived authentically.

The 12th International Transgender Day of Remembrance is very personal to me, as I transitioned from female to male five years ago.

Prior to my transition, I had friends who had done the same, but none that I kept in touch with.

It was too painful to see them and know deep down that I, too, wanted to be truly seen.

But I was afraid to be my authentic self.

What if friends deserted me the way I had deserted others?

What if no one took me seriously?

Could I find a church that would accept me as their minister?

I also knew the horror stories of trans people who had been “found out,” then beaten or killed.

I avoided attending Transgender Day of Remembrance vigils; it was too close to home, too real.

This year, I will attend a vigil not just in body, but also in deeper spirit.

Since my own transition, some of my fears have been realized.

I have lost a few friends, and I have had trouble being taken seriously in my professional life because of my transition.

I am seen by most as a man, and unless I tell people of my gender transition, most have no idea.

But when some people find out, their confusion and fear step in and prevent them from taking the opportunity to get to know me.

Thankfully, my worst fear was not realized.

I am alive.

As November 20th approaches, I will hold in my heart all of the transgender individuals who have made the brave move to be seen for who they truly are, as well as those who are still too afraid to be their authentic selves.

I will hold in my heart the families and loved ones of those individuals whose bravery was met with misunderstanding, ignorance, fear and anger.

I will even hold in my heart those who are unaware, ignorant and afraid, in the hope that they will understand and find compassion and love.

We all need help to live our full potential, and when we stand side by side with others, we stand more firmly, more confidently, and more securely in our authenticity.

I hope you will stand with me on the side of love on November 20th as we remember the lives of those transgender individuals who risked all to be fully and wholly seen.


Our friends from the Manitou Intentional Learning Community would like to extend a warm invitation to one and all to Zoom in for the MILC Annual General Meeting; TONIGHT from 6:30 to 8:00 pm

The theme for the evening will be Lessons from Lockdown: Creating community in the midst of the pandemic, and will feature guest speakers Lisa Blais (Trinity United, North Bay); Christina Boggs (Trinity United, Capreol); Stephanie Voyer (director: Rainbow Camp); and Erin Todd (yours truly!)

TO REGISTER: Go to http://www.manitoulearningcommunity.com/ Annual General Meeting 2020 OR contact Gillian at manitouintentionallearning@gmail.com


The Advent season is almost upon us!

Though the way we celebrate will need to be quite different this year, the spirit with which we mark this time will be as joyful as ever!

Be sure to watch for dates and details of Advent activities coming soon.

In the meantime, every family is invited to make an Advent candle wreath at home to use in worship each week.

Your creation can be as simple or elaborate as you like; the only provision is that it be able to hold 4 candles.

We will light the first candle on November 29 at our first Advent service 😊


The next session of our Study and Reflection Group will be held on Wednesday, December 2 at 7:00 via Zoom.

This time, we will be focusing on chapter 3 of Marcus Borg’s Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time.

Everyone is welcome!


… or LISTENING, at least!

Brenda has set Tuesday, December 1, at 7:00 pm as a tentative start date for the “listening choir”.

Sessions will take place at St. Stephen’s on the Hill, following Covid protocols.

Brenda will be in touch with each member ahead of time to review these protocols and to solicit feedback.

It will be great to have our choir gathering once again!


Christmas gifting time is almost upon us; and, just in time, this year’s incarnation of the Gifts with Vision catalogue is now available online.

Every gift in the catalogue is developed by one of our United Church’s Mission & Service partners and each one truly makes a difference!

Throughout the past eight years, so many good things have been made possible through Gifts with Vision: clean water projects in Congo, Nicaragua, and Zambia; summer camp experiences for more than 200 children across Canada; education and safe spaces for children around the world; food for people who are homeless in Canada; grocery gift cards and warm clothing for remote Indigenous communities; food, shelter, and education for displaced persons in Kenya, the Philippines, Colombia, and Jordan; Indigenous cultural renewal here in Canada; a culture of peace in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East; and projects in reconciliation and Indigenous reclaiming of language and traditions–just to name a few!

Our generous support for Mission & Service means that Mission & Service partners receive core funding for their programs.

Our gifts through Gifts with Vision provide additional support for Mission & Service partners and ministries for selected projects. ​

This Christmas season, let’s give the gift of hope; both here in Canada and across the world! 

Please visit http://www.giftswithvision.ca to choose a gift online!


Our friends at St. Peter’s have invited us to team up with their congregation in reaching out the homeless in our community throughout the winter months.

What’s needed is large quantities of big healthy muffins for the Frood Road Drop In Centre.

These are a big part of the nourishment people are receiving in the day so whole grains, oatmeal, fruit and nuts are great ingredients.

Muffins can be fresh or frozen, and should be individually wrapped in plastic wrap.

Collection will happen at St. Peter’s on Wednesdays from 11:00 until 3:00, beginning November 25.

Drop off will be distanced: you will be asked to place your muffins in boxes on a table in the upper parking lot.

For those who can’t deliver but really want to help, arrangements can be made with me (Rev Erin) for drop off at a different time 😊

Let’s all pitch in to support this wonderful outreach!


Linda Arseneau has six Aloe Vera plants she would like to sell for $10 each, in support of Grace United Church rebuilding fund.

If you are interested please contact Linda via email at linda_arseneau@hotmail.com or call 705-566-2597 


DON’T FORGET to get your names in for the big draw!!!

For the price of a $10.00 ticket, you could win $320.00 worth of AWESOME Norwex cleaning products (including a Mop).

All proceeds will be generously donated by Joanne to the Grace United Church Rebuild Fund.  

For tickets to purchase, and/or sell locally, please contact JoAnne at 705-560-7431 or email her at blackwell@isys.ca.


Welcome to FUNDSCRIPT!!!

Each month, we all spend hundreds of dollars for things like food, gas, clothing, pharmacy, restaurants, electronics, home renovations, movies, department stores and so on. 

Through the Fundscript program, you purchase Pre Paid Gift Cards (purchased at face value) and then a % of every gift card purchased is contributed back to the church!

Getting started is EASY!

Just go to the website www.fundscrip.com.

For the first visit, you would select “Sign Up” at the top right hand corner.

The signup is fairly simple.

The invitation code for Grace United is P4RKX9

The direct shipping method allows you to purchase orders of up to 4 cards and up to $500 at a time. 

The order costs you exactly what you have purchased (your cards at face value) plus $1.04 (the cost of a stamp) for shipping. 

There are no additional or hidden costs involved.

For those people in the congregation who do not have internet access, there is a way to send in a bulk order using paper order forms.  

Please contact Laurie to access that option, or for more details!  


As many of you are aware, The United Church of Canada supports a vast array of mission and service programs, both in Canada and around the world, through our denominational Mission and Service Fund; generously supported by our individual givings.

During this pandemic time, when many of us are submitting our offering via e-transfer, it is important that we let Laurie know what portion of our givings we would like to have go where 😊

It’s easy: in the body of the message accompanying your e-transfer, please simply name the amounts you would like to have go to our congregational treasury and to M and S, and Laurie will make sure that happens.

Many thanks!


Be with us Lord in all of our journeys,

From near and from far and histories unknown.

Be with us Lord in strength and in weakness,

The lost and forsaken the proud and the strong.

Be with us Lord in all of our beings,

Where life in our genders can truly belong.

Be with us Lord in all of our actions,

Fulfilling your [Kin-dom] where all people come.

Be with us Lord in all of our wishes,

That rest in your love, when all are as one.

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