
Archive for May, 2020


Practice Openness
It is important in the spiritual life to keep an open mind, open to ideas, experiences, people, the world, and the Sacred.
Openness is an ability to go with the flow, as Taoism puts it, without expecting predetermined outcomes.
It means being receptive to new possibilities, without prejudging them.
It is an ability to make yourself available to out-of-the-ordinary opportunities.
Indeed, openness to the unknown, the exotic, and the bizarre is usually seen as the mark of a free spirit.
The contrast to openness is narrow-mindedness; characterized by a rigidity of mind. Dogmatic and stubborn people, and pessimistic people who have armored themselves against preconceived disappointments, are not open.
You can increase your openness by practicing empathy.
Move outside yourself into another’s situation.
Try to access the other’s feelings and ideas…
How available are you to others?
How interested are you in people, especially those quite different from you?
How flexible are you?
Are you willing to try something new?
These are the questions to ask to assess your openness and to determine the benefits you might derive from this practice.

Some ideas for cultivating openness:
Opening a window is a cue to open my mind to new ideas and experiences.
When I hold an empty cup, I am reminded to remain open and receptive.
Seeing a sign, a book, or a film in another language, reminds me to be open to the messages coming to me from other cultures.

Looking forward to continuing on in our discussion of Marcus Borg’s book THIS EVENING at 7:00 pm
Tonight we will delve into what it means to be “born again”.
Please see the Facebook group chat for the Zoom link and join in the conversation; everyone is welcome!

Our next ALMOST in-person gathering will be held on Tuesday, May 26 at 7:00.
Please RSVP by Monday, May 25 if you would like to attend 😊

Though social distancing regulations prevent us from holding our annual Spring Fair this year, our dear friend Lianne Tooley has generously offered to make up a bunch of her beautiful hanging baskets for sale; with all proceeds going to Grace.
The cost of each basket will be $10.
If you would like to place an order, please be in touch with Carol McLean no later than Friday, June 5.
Pick up will be on June 12 and 13 at staggered times for physical distancing.

We have been given the opportunity to take part in a tasty outreach project with some of our sister churches; providing muffins for homeless folk in our community.
This is an ongoing, and much needed, outreach as pandemic restrictions continue.
Here’s how you can take part:
Bake two or three dozen nut-free muffins.
Wrap each one individually in plastic wrap and place all of the wrapped muffins in a plastic bag.
Drop off your contribution at Rod and Carol McLean’s (135 Third Ave.) by Sunday afternoon.
Carol will make sure our contribution gets where it needs to go!
Again, this project will continue for the foreseeable future, so feel welcome to participate whenever and as often as you can 😊

Loving, embracing Spirit
We strive
and we fall often,
straight into the safety net
of your compassionate embrace.
We pick ourselves up
and try again,
secure in the knowledge
that you will always be there for us,
and that we are so much more
than our successes and failures.
Help us to learn from our mistakes
and may we always be sensitive to the strivings of others,
reaching out with the understanding and acceptance that you have shown to us
as we journey towards wholeness in you and with your creation.

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Our Clock draw was on May 10, 2020 and the winner is Fernanda H.

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Practice play …
In today’s intense world of terrorism, disasters, broken relationships, global warming, and other stressors, a spirituality of play may seem a strange thing to suggest.
But, more than ever, a spirituality of play is an attitude that needs to be cultivated in our society, so that children and youth can become adults who live balanced lives where laughter, joy and hope are an intrinsic part of their being.
From the Greek word selig (which means blessed) comes the English word “silly”.
I like to think that there is something sacred about the ability to be silly – to play – to laugh and be child-like…
Most of us don’t play enough.
We’re either too “busy”– a code word for workaholism– or we’re too serious; mistaking earnestness for accomplishment.
We’re predictable, too; equating free-spiritedness with irresponsibility.
The best treatment for these conditions is play.
We need to lighten up…
Play is the exuberant expression of our being.
It helps us live with absurdity, paradox, and mystery.
It feeds our joy and wonder.
It keeps our search for meaning down to earth.
When we play – when we enjoy the fullness of life with its curiosities, frivolities and insensibilities – when we don’t take ourselves too seriously, some would say that we are praying.
Like prayer, laughter and play can be healing to the body, mind and soul. Laughter and play are holy things.
When we play, we leave behind the daily stressors and allow our spirit to breathe and re-create…
Practice play by doing things on the spur of the moment.
Take time out to experiment, to try on different sides of yourself, to relax.
Laugh heartily at jokes, situations, and yourself.
Remember, laughter heals body, mind, and soul, and by extension, communities.

Our next ALMOST in-person gathering will be held on Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00.
Please RSVP by Monday, May 11 if you would like to attend 😊

Our Heart of Christianity book study will resume NEXT Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00 via Zoom.
Note the change of date 😊
For this session we will be picking up where we left off in Marcus Borg’s book, with the chapter entitled: “Born Again: A New Heart”
If you’ve never attended this lively conversation group, please do; you’re most welcome!

From our Property and Finance Committee!
Unfortunately our monthly expenses have not “shut down” with the world during this Covid pandemic.
In these times when we cannot meet for worship, your faith family needs your support more than ever! 😊
There are lots of ways to give… Here they are:

By Mail: Grace United Church
1520 Bancroft Dr.
Sudbury, On P3B 3P7

By PAR: Contact Laurie Aubertin at (705) 618-3256 or laubertin@kpmg.ca

By e-transfer: To laubertin@kpmg.ca (Laurie will direct it to the correct bank account)

Via CanadaHelps.org: Charity Identification is Grace United Church Sudbury On.

By taking a drive to Rod and Carol’s at 135 Third Ave. in Minnow Lake 😊

Abundant gratitude to all of you for your ongoing support for Grace’s life and work!

Though social distancing regulations prevent us from holding our annual Spring Fair this year, our dear friend Lianne Tooley has generously offered to make up a bunch of her beautiful hanging baskets for sale; with all proceeds going to Grace.
If you would like to order one, please let me know asap so she will know how many to make.
Details to follow regarding time and means of delivery.
Abundant thanks to Lianne for this gift!

God who made each and every living being,
I know there’s a fun and whimsical aspect to you
because there is no complete logical explanation for the way kittens play,
and children say the most accurate, embarrassing things sometimes.
I know that you designed us to run until we’re giddy and breathless,
to converse in ways that, in mere moments, can dissolve an entire group of people into uncontrollable laughter.
You built within our minds a fascination for solving riddles and working puzzles.
You gave us the ability to skip or to roll down a hill,
neither of which would have helped the species survive in the wild.
Surely you had fun in mind and nothing else.
Open my eyes and heart, Lord,
to see the whimsy, to take part in the play,
To enjoy my life
and to laugh often.

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