
Archive for September, 2019

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written by Lorena Griffin

Where were you on September 11, 2001?

I was driving and turned on the radio to the news that the first of the twin towers had been hit.

For a brief moment, it wasn’t clear that it wasn’t an accident.

But then, witnessed live by the reporter, the second tower was hit.

I pulled off the road and tried to process what was happening.

I was struck by two immediate and visceral responses.

First, I ached to be at home with my family.

Second, I wanted to stock up on food.

My children were at school and my husband was at work, and so I went by the supermarket, where I purchased bread, milk, eggs, and 10 gallons of water.

There were many people I knew at the store.

It seemed the place to be.

That day, our collective mindset shifted.

We no longer feel invincible.

In the years since 9/11, the unwelcome “what if” creeps in; before, it never did.

I find myself taking stock of my pantry whenever a storm approaches.

When gas prices rise, I consider how we would fare if we were ever truly cut off from supplies.

Accumulating self-sufficiency skills makes me feel just a little bit safer.  And yet, we can take it too far.

If you’ve ever seen the show “Doomsday Preppers,” you’ve seen families sacrifice the known pleasures of the present in order to prepare for the worst possibilities of the future.

How do we balance responsible preparedness with fear-laden anxiety?

People have lived through horrendous times in history, and I have not.

You would be right to call me naïve.

But TODAY is good.

I can hold my people close.

I will look to the future with pragmatism, but I also will choose faith; because I can.





WHERE:  Bell Park

WHEN:  TOMORROW at 6:00 pm

We will meet in the main parking lot across from the Canoe Club and proceed from there J

Please bring along a water bottle


WHAT: BOOK STUDY: “The Heart of Christianity”


WHEN:  beginning Wednesday October 2 at 7:00 pm



WHERE:  518 Morris St.

WHEN:  October 18 at 10:30 am



THIS Saturday, September 21 we will welcome our United Church friends and neighbours, as well as folks from the wider community, to the St. Andrew’s fellowship hall for our annual Grace Chili Challenge!

Set up is at 1:00 pm on Saturday, and all willing helping hands are needed.

Tickets for the event are $10.00 for adults and are available at the door.

Hope to see everyone there… bring along your friends and neighbours!



Hard to believe September is more than HALF OVER!

Fall had definitely “befallen us” and it’s time to get fully back into the swing of our regular life and work at Grace!

On Sunday, September 29 everyone is invited to make a special effort to get to church for Back to Church Sunday.

During worship we will have our annual Blessing of the Backpacks: our chance to show our love and support to our Grace kids as they embark on a new school year.

After service we’ll share in a “pizza party” lunch, followed by an intergenerational group activity; crafting some banners to brighten up our worship space!


Acclaimed Canadian singer/songwriter Linnea Good will bring her songs of faith and spirit to Northeastern Ontario this fall.

Accompanied by Juno-award winning drummer David Jonsson, Linnea will share her music and passion for story-telling and community-building on Friday, October 25 at 7:00 pm at St. Andrew’s (111 Larch St.)

Linnea has written songs that have become contemporary Christian classics, produced 11 CD/DVDs, appeared in countless denominational resource books, and received awards for both her recordings and writing.

Linnea and her drummer/partner David Jonsson have been a music-making team for two decades, and regularly travel throughout North America to perform.

Their professional travels have taken them to Europe, Australia, New Zealand and India.

Tickets for the Sudbury concert are $20 for adults/seniors, and $10 for post-secondary students – children and youth who are accompanied by an adult will be admitted at no cost.

To purchase tickets, call the Sudbury Theatre Centre box office at 705 674 8381 x21. You may also contact Ralph McIntosh at mcintor@gmail.com or call 705 662 0115. Proceeds from the concert will go towards the United Church’s important work towards Reconciliation with our Indigenous sisters and brothers, and a commitment to Right Relations.


THIS WEEK’S LECTIONARY LESSONS … Amos 8:4-7  Psalm 79:1-9   1 Timothy 2:1-7 Luke 16:1-13


“Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.”- John Wesley

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written by Christina McQuainn


There are days when it comes time to get into bed and I am simply spent.

Although I haven’t accomplished all I had intended, I don’t have a single drop left to give to the day.

I know, then, that I am in need of something.

If I have reached this point, I am neglecting an essential aspect of my Self that requires my care and attention.

Navigating the often chaotic nature of modern life can take a toll on anyone.

Sometimes what we need is to remove ourselves from the fray and seek clarity.

Especially if we wish to be able to continually relate to the world with a compassionate heart, we must acknowledge that the first person with whom we need to practice compassion is ourselves.

Making the time to connect with yourself, undistracted, is essential to wellbeing.

When this is done with intention, it becomes a spiritual practice: Soulitude.

Finding soulitude can be challenging, especially when there is always another item on the to-do list left to accomplish, a constant lingering feeling of something undone.

Often, for me, it is to be found in solitude and silence, but for you it might just as easily reside in music, or movement, or quietly deep connection with others.

We live into soulitude in many ways, including meditation, prayer, yoga, tai chi… how you practice soulitude will be unique to your own needs and temperament.

What is essential, though is that you find an activity which enables you to delve within yourself, quiet your mind, and free yourself from the distraction that occurs when your internal dialog is dominating the conversation.

Reach a place where you can hear your heart-whispers and heed your spirit’s yearning.

Soulitude is the gentle celebration of self that provides sustenance by reminding you that you are loved for who you are, at every moment of every day, and what you have to give is enough.

You are loved, you are worthy, and you are home.

How do you seek soulitude in your life?





WHERE:  St. Peter’s United Church

WHEN:  TOMORROW evening at 6:30 pm



WHERE:  518 Morris St. (fourth floor community room)

WHEN:  Friday, September 13 at 10:30 am

In preparation for this month’s session, you are invited to read the article entitled, Letter to My Opioid Addicted Father, found on pages 28 to 33 in the September, 2019 issue of  Broadview.



WHERE:  Bell Park

WHEN:  Thursday, September 19 at 6:00 pm

We will meet in the main parking lot across from the Canoe Club and proceed from there J


WHAT: BOOK STUDY: “The Heart of Christianity”


WHEN:  Wednesday October 2 at 7:00 pm



The big day is fast approaching!

On Saturday, September 21 we will welcome our United Church friends and neighbours, as well as folks from the wider community, to the St. Andrew’s fellowship hall for our annual Grace Chili Challenge!

Tickets are $10.00 for adults and are available at the door.

If you are willing to help with donations, a pot of chili, and/or a much-needed helping hand the day-of, please speak to Marilyn.

Let’s all pitch in to show everyone that Grace is alive and well and going strong!!



After a good summer’s rest—(and some unexpected events!)—it’s time to get back to our regular life and work at Grace United!

To celebrate the start of a new church season, we are going to have some fantastic Back to Church activities on Sunday, September 29.

During worship we will have our annual Blessing of the Backpacks: our chance to show our love and support to our Grace kids as they embark on a new school year.

After service we’ll share in a “pizza party” lunch, followed by an intergenerational group activity; crafting some banners to brighten up our worship space!

Please plan to take part in this great time of faith, fun and fellowship



The Manitou Intentional Learning Community is very excited to be offering: Writing the Soul Story, lead by former United Church Moderator, David Giuliano; September 20-22, 2019 at Villa Loyola

Writing the Soul Story is for those interested in exploring their spiritual journey in a supportive retreat community.

Whether you are interested in spiritual memoir for pleasure or for publication, the willingness to courageously plumb your life through writing is the only prerequisite.

Knowing that not everyone will be able to attend for the whole weekend, an open event will be held on Saturday, September 21st from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. tentatively entitled “The Spiritual Stories of Ordinary People”.

There will be opportunities for questions and discussion and a time for refreshments and fellowship.

For further details, or to register, please reply to me (Rev. Erin) and I will hook you up



Jeremiah 4:11–12, 22–28

The land shall be desolation; the earth shall mourn.

Psalm 14 (VU p. 735)

The foolish say, “There is no God.”

1 Timothy 1:12–17

Christ came to save sinners—of whom I am the foremost.

Luke 15:1–10

The parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin.



He who has a why to live can bear almost any how -Friedrich Nietzsche

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