
Archive for January, 2018


This week’s musing comes to us from Goran Andersson, a Swedish Lutheran pastor from Kåfalla Herrgård, Sweden.


As I look out the window from where I sit, I see deep snow covering the ground.

Everything is white and beautiful, and the whole of nature seems to be in deep peace.

But I know what the garden looked like a few months ago, and I know that the white flakes have covered fallen brown leaves, withered grass and plants.

It’s all there, but it won’t be seen now as long as winter lasts.

The winter may seem unpleasant to many, but frost and snow in our country (Sweden) are an indispensable part of life.

Without winter, spring and summer wouldn’t be what they are.

There are seasons in our lives too.

And we often have difficulties in understanding why they are there.

Why do we have to pass through winters with barren branches and frozen ground, times without flowers and fruit, without singing and joy? Why?

It’s good to learn from the way nature works, because He who created us also created nature, and through His works we can better understand Him, and His ways.

Winter may seem a time of death, but in reality it’s a time of rest.

When harvest is over, trees aren’t ready to bear new fruit immediately.

They need a rest, and winter gives them time to do that.

Many of us get so easily caught up in a treadmill of producing all the time.

‘God can’t be satisfied with me if I don’t produce anything for Him, can He?’ is the way we think.

But in His grace God allows a winter season in our lives, to give us rest.

He doesn’t expect us to bear fruit when it’s winter, and we would do well if we could learn not to expect fruit when we should be having a rest.

When you inwardly go through a time of winter, you may well withdraw from many expressions of life, but that doesn’t mean your spirit is dying.

It only means that for a time you are resting, and preparing for a new season, a season of flowers and growth.

God takes you aside to prepare you for what is to come, and without that thorough preparation, you won’t be ready for a new season!

So, if you’re in a winter season in your life right now, it’s not the end!

After winter, comes spring.

All part of God’s plans for His children.

Be prepared, one day you’ll suddenly become aware of an irresistible pull in your spirit that tells you winter is past, and the time for singing is upon you again (Song of Songs 2:11-12)!




WHAT: Amalgamation Celebration!

WHEN: Sunday, February 4 at 4:00 pm

WHERE: Grace United

A special service of worship will be followed by a catered dinner.

Child care will be provided.

In light of our worshiping in the afternoon, there will be NO SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE.


WHAT: An Ash Wednesday Worship Experience

WHEN: Wednesday, February 14 at 7:00 pm

WHERE: Grace United

A prayerful way to begin the sacred season of Lent.


WHAT: Grace United Annual Congregational Meeting

WHEN: Sunday, February 25 immediately after worship

WHERE: Grace United

PLEASE NOTE: Annual reports are due THIS SUNDAY!




Our next opportunity to serve is Friday, February 9.

If you are able to pitch in, please be in touch with Joanne Blackwell.

Many hands make light work 😊



People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.
Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.

                                                –Mother Teresa

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this week’s musing comes to us from Jonathan Davis: a Lutheran pastor living in Northfield, MN


On a cold January day in 2007, a man wearing a t-shirt and a ball cap walked into a busy train station in Washington D.C., opened his violin case and began playing.

Four minutes went by and finally one man realized there was a musician playing, so he slowed down for a moment to listen but then carried on.

After about eight minutes, the violinist received his first dollar bill, tossed into his hat

on the floor by a woman who never even looked in his direction.

A man leaned against a wall to listen for a moment.

Children would stop to listen, only to be quickly pulled away by their parents to keep a move on.

The man played six pieces of music by Bach for about 45 minutes and during that time

a little over a thousand people walked by.

Seven people stopped to listen.

Twenty-seven people gave him money, totaling $32.

When he stopped playing no one applauded, no one noticed.

Just the sound of people in a hurry took over the train station atrium…

What no one in the train station knew that day was that the man playing was world-renowned violinist Joshua Bell, a child-prodigy who only three days earlier had played the same pieces of music for a sold-out show where the cheap tickets were $100 a seat.

But this day, standing in a train station atrium in a t-shirt and ball cap, playing on a violin that was worth $3.5 million dollars, only seven people stopped to listen and twenty-seven people gave him a little more than a dollar.

The other 970 people didn’t even notice him.

It was an experiment done by the Washington Post newspaper and this experiment begs the question: can we notice or recognize something beautiful if it is not in the places we expect it?

Could we notice a beautiful painting that should be hanging in elaborate frame in a museum, but instead sits on the ground at a garage sale?

Could we recognize beautiful music if it wasn’t on stage or coming through our ipods and radios?…

And, in like manner, do we know how to recognize God in our lives?

Or do we keep our heads down, avoiding eye contact and walking past God like so many walked past that famous violinist?

It’s risky to look for God in the world.

It will likely expose something about yourself.

But Jesus knows that it is only when you expose something that it, and you, can be truly healed. Amen.




WHAT: Grace United Council Meeting

WHEN: TONIGHT at 7:00 pm

WHERE: Grace United

All members of our NEW Session and Property and Finance are encouraged to attend this inaugural meeting.


WHAT: Exploring Our Faith

WHEN: Friday, January 26 at 10:30 am

WHERE: 518 Morris St. (in the “upper room”)

We’ll start off the new year with an exploration of the issues raised in the article, “Preaching What We Practice” found in the December 2017 issue of The Observer.


WHAT: Amalgamation Celebration!

WHEN: Sunday, February 4 at 4:00 pm

WHERE: Grace United

A special service of worship will be followed by a catered dinner.

Please RSVP by THIS FRIDAY if you haven’t do so already!


WHAT: Grace United Annual Congregational Meeting

WHEN: Sunday, February 25 immediately after worship

WHERE: Grace United

PLEASE NOTE: Annual reports are due no later than February 4.


WHAT: An Ash Wednesday Worship Experience

WHEN: Wednesday, February 14 at 7:00 pm

WHERE: Grace United

A prayerful way to begin the sacred season of Lent.



Our next opportunity to serve is Friday, February 9.

If you are able to pitch in, please be in touch with Joanne Blackwell.

Many hands make light work 😊



Add Positive Energy

While you’re removing all the negatives from your life, fill the void left behind with positive people and hobbies.

Think about your funniest, most caring friends and ask them to lunch next weekend.

Or help yourself to stop obsessing with those cigarettes you’re giving up by keeping a journal of positivity.

Every time you get the craving to smoke, head to your journal to jot in everything you’re thankful for in your life.

You can also take up new hobbies like hiking, running, weight-lifting or yoga.

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written by John Nelson


“People were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them; and when the disciples saw it, they sternly ordered them not to do it.  But Jesus called for them and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the realm of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the realm of God as a little child will never enter it.” – Luke 18:15-17
The disciples tried to stop the people who were bringing out their youngsters for just a touch from Jesus.

Why? Scripture doesn’t say.

Perhaps because the disciples assigned little value to infants, who were the “least” in family structures.

Perhaps the disciples knew that humility was required of them, and didn’t want the competition: it’s hard to be humbler than a baby.

Perhaps Jesus’ friends knew that every touch allowed some of his power to flow out and thought it was wasted on children.
It’s a challenge to relate to infants as whole human beings, to avoid seeing them as either paragons or problems.

It’s disconcerting — nay, terrifying — to applaud our children and then remember that Jesus refused to be lifted up, except onto a cross.

It’s confounding to imagine a tiny person’s vulnerability, utter need, unbridled curiosity, and heedlessness of the world’s dangers are conditions for entering God’s realm.

Is there hope for us whose instincts have been tempered by experience?
Jesus, Teacher, I have put aside childlike ways.

Yet you gave your lesson to grown people, like me, weary and wary of the world.

Which could mean that an infant’s openness still exists — even in me.

May I live inside that heavenly possibility today. Amen.




WHAT: Annual Garson Christian Unity Service

WHEN: Sunday, January 21 at 7:00 pm

WHERE: First Baptist Church, Garson


WHAT: Annual Lasagna Dinner

WHEN: Sunday, January 21 at 5:00 pm (ahead of the Christian Unity Service)

WHERE: First Baptist Church, Garson; (hosted by Grace United)


WHAT: Grace United Council Meeting

WHEN: Wednesday, January 24 at 7:00 pm

WHERE: Grace United

All members of Session and Property and Finance are encouraged to attend this inaugural meeting.


WHAT: Exploring Our Faith

WHEN: Friday, January 26 at 10:30 am

WHERE: 518 Morris St. (in the “upper room”)

We’ll start off the new year with an exploration of the issues raised in the article, “Preaching What We Practice” found in the December 2017 issue of The Observer.



WHAT: Amalgamation Celebration!

WHEN: Sunday, February 4 at 4:00 pm

WHERE: Grace United

A special service of worship will be followed by a catered dinner.

Please RSVP by January 26.


WHAT: Grace United Annual Congregational Meeting

WHEN: Sunday, February 25 immediately after worship

WHERE: Grace United

PLEASE NOTE: Annual reports are due no later than February 4.




Set up for the Annual Lasagne Dinner will be at 1:00 pm on Saturday at First Baptist Church.

Able bodies would be greatly appreciated.

Also needed: at least one more vegetarian and one more meat lasagne, as well as a couple of apple crisps.

If you can help with a donation of one of the above, Marilyn Boileau would LOVE to hear from you! 😊



Our next opportunity to serve is Friday, February 9.

If you are able to pitch in, please be in touch with Joanne Blackwell.

Many hands make light work 😊



January is the perfect time of year to give up all the things holding you back from your being best self yet!

From negative friends to bad habits (smoking, drinking, gambling), it’s time to clear out all of the things you spent 2017 complaining about.

Make a list of anything and everything you find negative in your life and remove them while you can.

Now is the time for “making all things new”; so do it!

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written by Anthony Robinson

“But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also; and from anyone who takes away your coat do not withhold even your shirt.”

-Luke 6:27-29 I once heard a story about an “Easter Chicken.”

A cute little chick was given to a child on Easter.

The chick had been dyed some bright color like pink or yellow. After Easter, when the chick’s novelty had worn off, it was tossed into the chicken coop with the rest of the birds.

The bigger chickens pecked away mercilessly at the odd, little bird.

He didn’t even have the good sense to defend himself. But after a week or two had passed, the Easter Chicken had grown out its feathers to the point that it was beginning to look like the others.

And it had begun to join the fray in the coop, giving as good as it got.

Soon it was indistinguishable from the rest. The guy telling the story said the Easter Chicken was like the church.

“How so?” I asked.

“Well, we started out different but it wasn’t long before we were acting just like everyone else —like that Easter chicken.”  Whatever else you may think about the words of Jesus above, it’s pretty clear that they are seriously at odds with the way the world works.

They remind us just how subversive of the world Christianity is. Most of the time the church, and we who call ourselves “Christian,” are a lot like the Easter Chicken.

Our color fades and we play by the same rules as everyone else.

It’s hard to tell any real difference. But the world needs Christians to be different, to not be just the same as everyone else. A good start on that path may be to simply listen to Jesus’ strange words and to let them stand.

Resist the impulse to explain them away.

Let them haunt you and maybe even change you.



WHAT:  Annual Garson Christian Unity Service

WHEN:  Sunday, January 21 at 7:00 pm

WHERE: First Baptist Church, Garson


WHAT:  Annual Lasagna Dinner

WHEN:  Sunday, January 21 at 5:00 pm (ahead of the Christian Unity Service)

WHERE: First Baptist Church, Garson; (hosted by Grace United)


WHAT:  Grace United Council Meeting

WHEN:  Wednesday, January 24 at 7:00 pm

WHERE:  Grace United

All members of Session and Property and Finance are encouraged to attend this inaugural meeting.


WHAT:  Exploring Our Faith

WHEN:  Friday, January 26 at 10:30 am

WHERE: 518 Morris St. (in the “upper room”)


WHAT:  Amalgamation Celebration!

WHEN:  Sunday, February 4 at 4:00 pm

WHERE:  Grace United

A special service of worship will be followed by a catered dinner.

Please RSVP as soon as possible to Rev. Erin



For worship this coming Sunday, January 14, you are invited to bring along a special candle for use in the service, as we commemorate the Baptism of Christ.

It could be a baptism candle, or any candle that has special significance for you!


Join Manitou Conference Youth on a road trip to Ottawa, to celebrate Winterlude!

Skate the Rideau Canal, hang out at the Museum of Civilization, take in the ice sculptures, zoom down ice slides, have a Beavertail (or three) and much, much more!

This year’s special guest is Andrew Hyde, University of Guelph Ecumenical Campus Minister

Cost: $120/person for youth ages 13 and up and their leaders

(cost includes Friday and Saturday suppers; financial assistance available on request)

Registration deadline is: January 19, 2018

Be sure to register early!!! Visit http://www.manitouconference.ca



Every year on January 1, millions of people take time to reflect on the year just passed and to envision the year that is yet to come.

These musings often result in the making of resolutions to make improvements in one’s “outer life”; such as losing weight or quitting smoking or managing money more responsibly.

This year, how about making a resolution to revolutionize your spiritual life?

Here some suggestions to get you started!

Yes, Smartphones and iPads are entertaining and useful– a great way to stay in touch with your friends and family– but they can also become an unhealthy fixation.

Why not make a rule for yourself that involves turning off all computers, cell phones, tablets, etc. at least once a week; (Sunday seems like the perfect day)!

At first, this may seem like it’s hindering you from making connections, but in fact you MIGHT find that it helps you to make even deeper connections with those around you!

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This week’s reflection is written by Fr. Thomas Rosica; an American Roman Catholic priest and founder of Salt and Light Ministries.


King Herod reigned from 37 to 4 B.C.

The “magi” were a designation of the Persian priestly caste and the word became used of those who were regarded as having more than human knowledge.

Matthew’s Magi are astrologers.

As for the star in Matthew’s story, it was a common ancient belief that a new star appeared at the time of a ruler’s birth…

Matthew’s Gospel shows us that right at the beginning of the story of Jesus, the one who is to rule Israel is greeted with the cheers of some and the fearful fury of others.

A child is born at the same time as a death-dealing power rules.

King Herod tries to co-opt the wise men to betray their journey, to end their commitment to future possibility and new life.

At the centre of the whole story of striking contrasts lies a baby who is joy.

Herod is afraid of this “great joy for all the people.”

Our societies and cultures are becoming increasingly afraid of human life — the greatest joy for all peoples!

We must recommit ourselves to life — preserving it, upholding it, blessing it and giving thanks to God for this greatest of gifts…

Some of us are destined to find the Christ child only after a long, tedious journey like that of the Magi.

Our worldly wisdom and worldly ways need to disappear; we must make sacrifices to find our deepest meaning and peace that is Christ.

Most wise people need to make quite a trek if they are to find any lasting meaning.

In the end, the magi went their own way, and because they refused to be seduced by cynicism, because they allowed themselves to be surprised by this great joy, the star to which they had committed themselves appeared again.

This is not only the description of the times into which Jesus was born, but also our times.

When we have found our lasting joy in the midst of the encircling gloom, cynicism, despair, indifference and meaninglessness, the only thing to do is to kneel and adore.

If we are truly wise, let us do what the wise astrologers did.

When we hear the voice of the old king of death and fear and cynicism, let us have the courage to go our own way — rejoicing.

The star and the journey will send us onwards, by newer paths, to come into the presence of the Child of Light and the Prince of Peace.




WHAT: Grace United Church Congregational Meeting

WHEN: THIS Sunday, January 7; immediately after worship.

WHERE: St. Luke’s

A very important first meeting for our new congregation.

All members and adherents are urged to attend!



WHAT: Annual Garson Christian Unity Service

WHEN: Sunday, January 21 at 7:00

WHERE: First Baptist Church, Garson


WHAT: Annual Lasagna Dinner

WHEN: Sunday, January 21 at 5:00 ahead of the Christian Unity Service

WHERE: First Baptist Church, Garson; (hosted by Grace United)


WHAT: Exploring Our Faith

WHEN: Friday, January 26 at 10:30 am

WHERE: 518 Morris St. (in the “upper room”)



Join Manitou Conference Youth on a road trip to Ottawa, to celebrate Winterlude!

Skate the Rideau Canal, hang out at the Museum of Civilization, take in the ice sculptures, zoom down ice slides, have a Beavertail (or three) and much, much more!

This year’s special guest is Andrew Hyde, University of Guelph Ecumenical Campus Minister

Cost: $120/person for youth ages 13 and up and their leaders

(cost includes Friday and Saturday suppers; financial assistance available on request)

Registration deadline is: January 19, 2018

Be sure to register early!!!

Visit www.manitouconference.ca




Every year on January 1, millions of people take time to reflect on the year just passed and to envision the year that is yet to come.

These musings often result in the making of resolutions to make improvements in one’s “outer life”; such as losing weight or quitting smoking or managing money more responsibly.

This year, how about making a resolution to revolutionize your spiritual life?

Here some suggestions to get you started!

Everyone who knows you, knows that you work hard and play hard; which means that you probably also STRESS too hard and even THINK too hard!

This year, give yourself a break from unnecessary stresses by simply SLOWING DOWN. Forget running errands all day on your Saturdays.

Instead, give yourself the gift of a leisurely walk, a Sunday night movie, or an afternoon spent gardening.

The real challenge is to see this “down time” not as wasted time, but as an investment in your spiritual well-being!

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