
Archive for November, 2018


WrShitten by Liza Neal


“So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day.” – 2 Corinthians 4:16 Lately losing heart is a daily struggle.

With each news story, each vicious exchange over social media or in the government, each incidence of hatred and violence, each lessening of environmental protections, it gets a little harder to keep heart. Paul also lived in challenging times: an empire occupying his homeland, time spent in and out of prison, and no sign of Jesus’ return.

Yet his letters are full of encouragement not to lose heart.  “Our inner nature is being renewed day by day,” he wrote.

Not at the end of time, but each day, right now.

Despite the waste that erodes our outer nature—greed, cruelty, judgment, sin—our inner nature is continually renewed with hope, joy, love, grace. It is easy to see the waste throughout our society.

It is much harder to see the renewal.

Last year in Charlottesville many were shocked at the open display of hatred.

Hadn’t we come farther than this? Yet when clergy stood with only prayer and hymns in the face of screaming, spitting, armed white supremacists, their inner nature shone.

The outer nature of fear was revealed to be a waste in the face of their courage and love.  Through that courage, Jesus’ promise is made incarnate now, the promise to bring good news to the poor, to let the oppressed go free.

Through that love, our inner nature is renewed; we find hope again.

Rev. Liza M Neal is a Spiritual Director and writer, ordained in the United Church of Christ, serving in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts.




WHAT:  Grace Council Meeting

WHEN:   TONIGHT at 6:30 pm

WHERE:  Grace UC

Please note that Session will meet half an hour earlier, at 6:00 pm



WHAT:  Exploring Our Faith Reflection and Discussion Group

WHEN:   THIS Friday, November 23 at 10:30 am

WHERE:  518 Morris St.

Continuing on in our series on the Ten Commandments…



Our first opportunity to serve this season is on November 30.

Dinner will take place at St. Andrew’s United Church on Larch Street.

Please speak to Joanne Blackwell if you are able to help out.



Family photos for our photo directory will be taken on Friday, November 30 from 11 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday, December 1 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm.



The United Church of Canada provides Mission & Service support to partners all year long for their ongoing work in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and right here in Canada.

The Gifts with Vision catalogue turns gift giving into an opportunity to do something extra for our church partners.

With Gifts with Vision, you give a gift to friends or family to support specific partner activities.

With your gifts, we help create healthy places to live, promote justice, provide social services, and enliven worship.

For more information or to purchase a gift, please visit the website: http://www.giftswithvision.ca


THIS WEEK’S SCRIPTURE LESSONS…  Psalm 132:1-12, (13-18) or  Revelation 1:4b-8 John 18:33-37



God loves a try-er

or so ‘they’ say.

And God,

you know that I’m trying.

But somehow

I never feel good enough.

There’s always something

just beyond my reach;

something I can’t get right.

And somehow

I always seem to let me –

and you –


Living Spirit

uplift me, I pray.

Breathe a warm waft of your love

under my wings

and give me the strength I need

to serve you

and be the person I know I can be.

Help me to accept myself

as I am,

and not compare myself with others.

Show me

that I am wonderfully made,

unique and precious

in the sight

of the One who loves me


and unconditionally.

May there come a day

when I can accept that of myself

and afford the same grace

to others,

especially those

who are trying too!


-Louise Gough,

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